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Mervyn O’Gorman’s 1913 Autochrome colored portraits — a dreamlike photo series of a young gorgeous woman

The photos of a gorgeous woman in the dreamy scene, featured below, look old and seem to have been taken some years back. Well, actually, they’re very, very old, captured by Mervyn O’Gorman in 1913.  He was an English electrical and aircraft engineer, and as well as an artist and an early pioneer of color photography using Autochrome process. This dreamlike series featuring his daughter Christina is part of the exhibition titled ‘The Dawn of Colour’ at National Media Museum.



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“The Autochrome Lumière is an early color photography process. Patented in 1903 by the Lumière brothers in France and first marketed in 1907, it was the principal color photography process in use before the advent of subtractive color film in the mid-1930s.” ~ Wikipedia


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I Am Simply Flowing with the River of Life.
I Take What Comes and Let Go What Goes.

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