Woman Attacked with Acid
Have you heard the story lately of a white woman who was attacked by a black woman with acid?
The reason? The victim has a gorgeous face and a day dream fantasy of heroism.
Bethany Storro had claimed the perpetrator approached her near Starbucks and asked her, “Hey, pretty girl, want something to drink?” then threw acid on her face. Seconds later she heard some sizzling sound. Something was being cooked right on her face!
But the cook was nowhere to be found. She has gone in a flash, too fast for anyone to notice even in front of a crowded Starbucks.
Sounds mysterious! A conspiracy, eh? Perhaps, but the problem is–it was a conspiracy involving one individual alone.
Yes people. It was Bethany Storro, all along by herself. She recently admitted that she did it herself. The self-infliction, the sunglasses story, black woman, and all the hoopla were concocted by her equally beautiful mind.
But why on earth she had done it?
Storro’s motives must have been great. Imagine she had discarded, in her plan, all the pain and horror for transforming her gorgeous face into a hideous character. Apparently, those were not suffice to eclipse the grand picture – To be famous and inspiration to all.
Kudos to her, she achieved the former. But the latter, nah! Okay, that is not entirely true. She actually inspired people at the outset. In her facebook, the fans told her “You have not only a beautiful face but beautiful soul as well”.
However, when the light began to perch on her dark side, the inspired ones wasted no time in spitting hate and disgust. The facebook fan page has metamorphosed from “Send Hugs” to “Send to Jail”. And her life turned upside down.
She learned one thing though. Being famous could be infamous too.