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Abby Martin of RT America Condemns Russia’s Invasion of Crimea. She says “What Russia did is wrong.”

Abby Martin of Russia Today (RT), a Kremlin supported TV Network, went on air Monday criticizing Russia’s military action against Ukraine.

She said, “Just because I work here, for RT, doesn’t mean I don’t have editorial independence and I can’t stress enough how strongly I am against any military intervention in sovereign nations’ affairs. What Russia did is wrong.”

“I will not sit here and apologize or defend military aggression,” she added.

Then she turned her frustration to the media for their coverage on Ukraine, “Furthermore, the coverage I’ve seen of Ukraine has been truly disappointing from all sides of the media spectrum, and ripe with disinformation.”

“All we can do now is hope for a peaceful outcome for a terrible situation, and prevent another full-blown cold war between multiple superpowers. Until then, I’ll keep telling the truth as I see it,” she concluded.




Huff Post reported RT’s response:

“Contrary to the popular opinion, RT doesn’t beat its journalists into submission, and they are free to express their own opinions, not just in private but on the air. This is the case with Abby’s commentary on the Ukraine.

“We respect her views, and the views of all our journalists, presenters and program hosts, and there will be absolutely no reprimands made against Ms. Martin.

“In her comment Ms. Martin also noted that she does not possess a deep knowledge of reality of the situation in Crimea. As such we’ll be sending her to Crimea to give her an opportunity to make up her own mind from the epicentre of the story.”



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