Romney Wins Florida and Now Back on Attacking Obama
Mitt Romney won the GOP Florida primary, and now he’s back on attacking Obama. At his victory speech, Romney did not talk much about the election or the other candidates which he referred as “serious and able competitors.” Instead, he talked something else, setting the tone back to what he had been doing in early primary — projecting himself as the GOP nominee and attacking no one but the President.

During the Florida campaign, Romney had restrained his attack on Obama. He had something to take care for a little while. He cannot afford to have Newt Gingrich continually pestering him and replicate the South Carolina victory. So he bombarded the airwaves with relentless attack on Gingrich.
It’s nothing like it. Romney spent a staggering $15M against Gingrich’s $3M. It’s all well spent, though in a negative way.
Now, since Newt Gingrich has been pushed out of the way, Mitt Romney is back on track to finish line. Along the way, he would definitely poke President Obama unceasingly with negative rhetoric. And he just did one — the Florida victory speech.
However, too much negative strategy is not good at all. It could back fire and burn him up. And not only that, Romney should not ignore the three “competitors” just yet. They are still, as Ron Paul put it, nibbling at his heels.