Romulo Salud forfeited his Knighthood
In the hearts and minds of Filipinos, Romulo Salud forfeited his Knighthood. He miserably failed his duty as a vanguard of the Inherent Right of his people—the right to say “I have Right.”
As you can hear from the video below, Hong Kong-based Labor Attaché Romulo Salud arrogantly trampled the basic right of Agnes Tenorio, a domestic worker, to voice her Rights. The moment she uttered the word “Right” Salud quickly interrupted her with verbal abuse. He did not care to listen and understand her rights, instead he vehemently insisted his own rights.

Apparently, Salud forgot to adhere the Philippine Foreign Affairs’ mantra: To protect the rights of Filipinos overseas.
By the way, what was his right, anyway? I didn’t get that part. Oh, perhaps, his right to treat the less opportune Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) as he pleased, even in a manner short of being Diplomat.
Mr. Romulo Salud and the Philippine government as a whole should bear in mind the country’s main export is not material goods but its people. The sweat and blood of Overseas Filipino Workers, not to mention their loneliness, has tremendously helped the country stays afloat amid global economic crises. The OFWs remit billions of dollars every year. Last year alone, a new record of more than $17 billion remittance fattened the Philippines’ coffers.
Now, if His Majesty Noy doesn’t strip Salud of his Knighthood, then we, the bloggers, I mean the people, have no choice but to concede in believing that His Royal Highness and the beleaguered Knight are kindred souls.
If I were you, My Majesty, I would declare an edict from Malacañang Palace.
“Knight Romulo Salud, You’re Fired!”