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Clark Little swims into giant ocean waves to capture amazing photos.


Photographer and surfing enthusiast Clark Little, who lives in Oahu Hawaii, has been fearlessly confronting the giant ocean waves, and been pounded mercilessly.


Just to take a photo!

And yes, his photos of the giant waves at North Shore in the Island of Oahu are extremely awesome! No wonder his photography has been exhibited at the Smithsonian Museum, Science Museum of Virginia and Ritz Carlton Laguna Niguel. He even has his own Gallery at Laguna Beach, California and in his hometown of Haleiwa, Hawaii.

Clark’s photos have been published in National Geographic, LIFE, and numerous reputable photography journals. He has been featured in the TV shows such as The Today Show, Good Morning America, Inside Edition and more. Even the online news networks, social media and bloggers have joined in with the frenzy. They all feasted with his extraordinary work of arts.

What?  Did you just ask… how this insane adventure all started?

Well, in 2007, his wife asked him for a picture of the ocean to decorate a bedroom wall. But instead of taking a picture from a distance, he literally jumped into the roaring Hawaiian waves and captured one of the most frightening power and beauty of nature. Then the rest is history.

Now folks, it’s time for you to feast on his photography. Please scroll down and enjoy!


All images courtesy of Clark Little, and are published with permission.

To see more of his photography and to purchase prints, please visit:


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Watch and enjoy this amazing video.


CREATORS: Clark Little on Staring Down Shorebreak for The Perfect Shot from The Inertia on Vimeo.



I Am Simply Flowing with the River of Life.
I Take What Comes and Let Go What Goes.

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