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Artist Barry Rosenthal finds art and beauty in the garbage.


New Yorker artist Barry Rosenthal has a keen understanding of arts and beauty. No wonder, he can create fine art out of the heap of trash and garbage — the things we regard as nothing but nothing at all!!! He is indeed a one-of-a-kind artist.

His artwork series Found in Nature, a collection of trash items neatly sorted and artistically arranged, has been featured in The New York Times titled  Garbage In, Art Out.  He was also featured in Smithsonian Magazine and National Geographic (Brazil), among others.


Blue Ocean

Barry Rosenthal - Trash Fine Art - Blue Ocean 98545745


I am a collector. The beach is my flea market and found objects my inspiration.

Crushed by storms and carved by blowing sand, once familiar forms have lost much of their original shape and purpose. It is my challenge to take them back to my studio and give them a new life.

~ Barry Rosenthal



Enjoy the photos!


All images courtesy of Barry Rosenthal, and published with permission.

To see more of his work, please visit:  |  Museum of Modern Art    |  Springfield Museum of Fine Art   



Barry Rosenthal - soles 1256845


The Grid

Barry Rosenthal - Trash Fine Art - The Grid  352485


  Brown and clear glass bottles and jars

Barry Rosenthal - brown and clear bottles  12565845


Oil, Alcohol and Drugs

0ne gallon anti-freeze bottles with quart oil bottles and medical and alcohol bottles on black background



Barry Rosenthal studied photography at the Dayton Art Institute in Dayton, Ohio.  Also he studied with notable photographers Emmet Gowin and George Tice at the Apeiron Workshops in Millerton, New York.

He lives in New York City with his wife and daughter.

Self portrait of Photographer, Barry Rosenthal.



I Am Simply Flowing with the River of Life.
I Take What Comes and Let Go What Goes.

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