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Benjamin Von Wong and his team — Capturing Underwater Photography. Absolutely Stunning Images!


Bali, Indonesia — Benjamin Von Wong, a Montreal based Photographer, assembled a team of professional divers, underwater photographers and free-diver models. The mission:  to capture photographs in the most dangerous setting — 25 meters underwater with a 50-year old shipwreck, off of Bali.

Since his first underwater photoshoot in the pool, Von Wong has been dreaming to go where very few dare to venture — into the ocean. The exciting moments came about when his parents wanted to take a vacation to the famous tourist island of Bali, Indonesia. And he tagged along with his insanely dangerous idea.  

But not to worry, Von Wong knew pretty well the danger and the challenge of deep sea underwater photography. More so, he knew the key of success is the right team, a professional-experienced crew.  

So with the help of Facebook, he assembled a no-nonsense team. Then the rest is history.

Please click here to read the whole story on his blog.


Enjoy these stunningly ethereal images and the Youtube video.


All photos/screenshots courtesy of Von Wong and his Team.

To see more of his work, please visit his BLOG and Facebook Page.

 (Images are published with permission from Von Wong)














Behind the scenes of the underwater photoshoot:

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“Normal models wouldn’t work unless they had extensive dive training and even then, they wouldn’t have the ability to hold their breaths for very long, especially at depth so Free Divers were going to be required.” ~ Von Wong


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“Scouting would be complicated – local divers would be necessary for us to navigate around the wreck and deal with unpredictable changes in the weather and tide.” ~ Von Wong


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Here’s the video of the Epic Underwater Photography:



I Am Simply Flowing with the River of Life.
I Take What Comes and Let Go What Goes.

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