Michael Kerbow paints his vision of the future — with a warning to heed the environment.
Michael Kerbow, an artist based in San Francisco, paints the world as he sees it. His series of oil and acrylic paintings depicting the effect of industrial and urban development with less regard to the environment is a warning to all of us. It’s a heads up of a dark future burdened by industrial waste.
Yep, the surreal paintings are nothing but creative imaginations of a beautiful mind. But make no mistake, reality starts from imagination.
Their Refinement of the Decline
Michael Kerbow holds an MFA from Pratt Institute in New York. He works in a variety of media including painting, drawing, assemblage, and digitally-manipulated photography. His work has been published in several publications, and exhibited nationally and internationally. This October 2014, he will join a group exhibition titled “Real Surreal” at Sandra Lee Gallery in San Francisco.
On his websites, he writes:
My work explores the way in which we engage with our surroundings and the possible consequences our actions have upon the world in which we live. Through my work I attempt to question the rationale of our choices, and try to reveal the dichotomy that may exist between what we desire and what we manifest. Recently my work has focused upon the mechanisms that power our society and examines how they may influence the construct for a possible future.
All images courtesy of Michael Kerbow, and are published with permission.
To see more of his work, please visit his: Website | Facebook
The Sad Times
Witching Hour
Diminishing Returns
Hollow Pursuits
A New Religion (study)
Fool’s Gold