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Artist Sean Madden and his ‘Robot Geisha’ surreal sculptures


Sean Madden, a UK-based artist, created a series of bizarre and surreal sculptures titled Robot Geisha.  Although the pieces are weird and a bit scary, nonetheless, they’re beautifully sculpted down to the finest details. Truly amazing!


 The Hove Walker

Sean-Madden_The Hove Walker


I’ve been making and exhibiting art for over 30 years both in the UK and abroad. Influences come from pop culture, science fiction, classical mythologies, surrealism and the Avant-garde. I prefer to make objects and paintings that are original or challenging and try not to limit myself to one particular style or discipline. My world is a beautifully ridiculous place full of contradiction, confusing boundaries, old traditions and new technologies. I hope that in some way this is reflected in my art.  ~  Sean Madden


What can I say, Sean’s world is a “beautifully ridiculous place” conceived by his insanely beautiful mind bursting with out-of-this-world creativity. His artwork says it all.


All images courtesy of Sean Madden, and are published with permission.

Please visit his website: RobotGeisha   and  Flickr   |   Behance 


Dear Heart

Sean-Madden_Dear Heart





Freak Scene

Sean-Madden_Freak Scene


Don’t Look Now






Rust Never Sleeps

Sean-Madden_Rust Never Sleeps


Mechanical Hand

Sean-Madden_Mechanical Hand


 Love Removal Machine

Sean-Madden_Love Removal Machine


Little White God

Sean-Madden_Little White God





 Super Trouble Man

Sean-Madden_Super Trouble Man






I Am Simply Flowing with the River of Life.
I Take What Comes and Let Go What Goes.

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