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Mia Calderone’s ink and graphite drawings — Simple and Unpretentious Yet Gorgeous and Sexy!

Mia Calderone, an artist based-in New York, creates ink and graphite drawings bursting with emotional expressions of pain, sorrow and love. Her work seems to portray the vibrant narratives of women’s weaknesses and strengths. Otherwise, the artwork, which has a tone of surrealism, could only be described as… simple and unpretentious yet gorgeous and sexy!



Mia Calderone-Drawings-woman artist


Artist Statement (sent via email):

Mia Calderone is a New York based illustrator and Fine Artist who has studied at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. She was raised in Brazil and takes the constant change in cultural environment as inspiration for her work. Much of her work, although often editorial, is inspired by early Catholic art. Mia’s work is done largely in ink and graphite, although she may occasionally use watercolor, pastels, and colored pencil.


All images courtesy of Mia Calderone, and are published with permission.

To see more of her work, please visit her:  Website  |  Behance  |  Tumblr 



Mia Calderone-Drawings-Behave


Mia Calderone-Drawings-Johannisbeere


Mia Calderone-Drawings-Graceful Pandora


Mia Calderone-Drawings-Lilith


Mia Calderone-Drawings-Alle Meine Farben




Mia Calderone-Drawings-Guilty Conscience


Mia Calderone-Drawings-Spring Cleaning-Rv



I Am Simply Flowing with the River of Life.
I Take What Comes and Let Go What Goes.

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