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The Fairy Tale Illustrations of Jeremy Hush — mysterious, dark and bizarre, yet beautifully rendered in meticulous details

Jeremy Hush, an artist and illustrator based-in Philadelphia, invites you to explore his fantasy world where humans, animals and insects dwell in the most mysterious, dark and bizarre atmosphere. In the selected color illustrations below, the incredible sense of surrealism permeates the fairytale scenes and characters, which are beautifully rendered in great details and artistic vision. Take a look on the first featured piece, which depicts a seemingly powerful goddess in the midst of chaos and death. Its meticulous composition illustrates the artist’s extraordinary imagination and creativity.



Jeremy hush - Drawings_feral




 All images courtesy of Jeremy Hush, and are published with permission.

To see more of his work, please visit his:  Website  |  Blog  |  Instagram




Jeremy hush - Drawings_thebeast


Jeremy hush - Drawings_intheteethofacrashinggale


Jeremy hush - Illustrations 2568


Jeremy hush - Illustrations 458lpo


Jeremy hush - Illustrations-themischeiviousandthewayward


Jeremy hush - Drawings_flightprint


Jeremy hush - Illustrations-Minotaurprisma


Jeremy hush - Drawings_momentomori


Jeremy hush - Illustrations kiu478




I Am Simply Flowing with the River of Life.
I Take What Comes and Let Go What Goes.

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