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Pencil Drawing Portraits of Older People by Antonio Finelli — meticulously rendered in photo-realistic details

Italian artist Antonio Finelli creates a series of pencil drawings depicting elegant portraits of older people. Each piece featured below exhibits fine details in hyperrealistic fashion capturing every wrinkle and lines of aging, along with the beautiful characters and emotions of his subjects. Simply put… Amazing!

“With my portrayals I want to bring a specific thought into the viewer’s mind: the body suffers a metamorphosis through the slow passage of time. With this, comes aging, that sooner or later arrives in each and everyone’s lives. There is nothing we can do. The only possible way of redemption from this status is death.” ~ Antonio Finelli  (via: Huffingtonpost)

But no worries, your spirit and memories live on… so please scroll down and enjoy!


Antonio Finelli Realistic Pencil Drawings - A148oik


Artist Bio:

Antonio Finelli (1985), lives and works between Rome and Campobasso. His artistic education starts (during) Secondary High School Art project G. Manzù in Campobasso, after that he moves to Rome to improve his artistic talent in the Academy of Fine Arts. Notable importance for his professional education was the acquaintance and the collaboration with world famous artists: Mimmo Paladino, Enzo Cucchi, Giosetta Fioroni, …. Continue Reading….


All images courtesy of Antonio Finelli, and are published with permission.

To see more of his work, please visit his:  Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter


Antonio Finelli Realistic Pencil Drawings - A198lkj


Antonio Finelli Realistic Pencil Drawings - A148red


Antonio Finelli Realistic Pencil Drawings - A487pyt


Antonio Finelli Realistic Pencil Drawings - A369ohy


Antonio Finelli Realistic Pencil Drawings - A195jgr


Antonio Finelli Realistic Pencil Drawings - A478pol


Antonio Finelli Realistic Pencil Drawings - A269kiu


Antonio Finelli Realistic Pencil Drawings - A159poi


Antonio Finelli Realistic Pencil Drawings - A254oij



I Am Simply Flowing with the River of Life.
I Take What Comes and Let Go What Goes.

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