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Philippines Extreme Sports — Ligiron Race on a Rugged Hillside. No need for protective gear.


Skateboards? —  No!

Snowboards? —  No!

Scooters? —-  No!

Hmmm… Segway!!!

No! No! No! — It’s LIGIRON !!!



Photo by Hersley Ven Casero
Photo by Hersley Ven Casero


Calling all extreme sports enthusiasts to pave the way for a new daring sports on the block or, I should say, mountain. You need a Ligiron, a rugged hillside and bravery. No faint of heart, please.

Ligiron is crafted out of wood and bamboo material with Flintstone wheels, crudely assembled together with scrap metals, rubber-tire strips and fastening stuff from just anywhere. It is a combo of skateboard, snowboard, scooter and Ferrari. :)  — Indeed, a Filipino ingenuity that holds no boundaries.

Back in the old days, the locals of Valencia, Negros Oriental had been using Ligiron as a means of transportation. And before the past could bury it to oblivion, the kids of today revived its appeal, not for transportation though, but for pure joyful ride. Then the tough and adventurous ones have ratcheted it up to Extreme Sports — racing on the rugged hillside.  


Last year, June 2013, the locals held the first Ligiron Sports Event, complete with microphone (duh!) and video cameras to capture the best moments. Ligiron enthusiasts fearlessly raced for fun and rewards. The race started from a concrete pavement going slightly downward then, the extreme part, turned to the rugged hillside cascading down to the final moment of adrenaline burst — a high jump at the Finish Line.

In the high jump, you could be either standing or sitting on your Ligiron. Either way, your bones and your Ligiron are doom to be crushed on landing.

What can you do? It’s Extreme Sport — Pinoy Style!



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I Take What Comes and Let Go What Goes.

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