Hamid Karzai Orders Changes to Draft Law on Afghan Women’s Rights
Afghanistan – President Hamid Karzai ordered to change the newly drafted criminal legislation that would ban relatives from testifying against alleged abusers. The order came after an international outcry from Human Rights organizations and Western countries.
The newly passed legislation has been criticized as a major setback to women’s rights. The critics say that it protects abusers of females particularly the victims of domestic violence and forced marriage.
![Hamid Karzai / NDTV - Youtube Channel](https://momentsjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Hamid-Karzai.jpg)
Aimal Faizi, the Presidential spokesman, said Karzai was “well aware” of the criticism. “We are not going to allow any such law to come into force unless the necessary amendments are made,” Faizi added.
Faizi told The Associated Press that planned changes to the law “will not bar any relative or any family member from testifying against each other or another member of family.”
Reference: ABC News / AP