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Ken, a Filipino 9-year old boy, and his “NO-Kill” animal shelter. This kid has a big kind heart!


At a tender age, Ken of Davao City, Philippines has an amazing mission: to help stray dogs and cats on the streets, and house them in a “No-Kill” animal shelter.


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It all started as a little kid’s dream. Ken had been dreaming since at the very young age to have a shelter for stray dogs and cats, but constraint by financial limitation. In spite of that, he nevertheless had been helping his furry friends in anyway he could, like giving food right on the street.

On his website he writes:

“Hello, I’m Ken. Ever since I can remember I wanted to open an animal shelter to help the stray dogs and cats on the streets.”

“My dad told me it would take a lot of money and 20 years for me to get an animal shelter. He said only grown ups can raise enough money to start an animal shelter.”

“But in February of 2014 pictures of me feeding dogs on the street were passed around on the Internet.”


This little help from a little kid with a big heart continued until… the heaven responded… I mean the web.  It rendered its magical power — the Viral effect.  Yep, his pictures “feeding dogs” have gone viral.

What happened next was amazing.  The “little help” took a huge leap, literally overnight. People around the world were touched by his genuine act of kindness. So donations have poured in to fulfill his awesome dream.

Now, the kid with a “Big Heart” is ready and able to provide a “Big Help” to his furry friends.

But wait, there’s more to it. Ken’s dream is not for a short haul. It has turned into a life mission, and has to live on forever and ever… :-) 

So he founded a non-profit animal shelter complete with a charming website, where people can continue supporting his mission. And the name says it all: Happy Animals Club!


Please scroll down for adorable photos of Ken and his pets.

All photos courtesy of Ken and Happy Animals Club. Please visit his website and donate if you can:



The little dream kicked off with these posters:

Ken - Save Animal -Poster 2

When I was 8 years old i made a website on weebly and a lot of posters like this, i drew every single one. then i put them on poles in my neighborhood. i didn’t get any response that time but i wouldn’t stop talking about making an animal shelter. my dad even told me that i was getting on his nerves and if I say the word ‘animal shelter’ one more time he would not buy me any more books that month! ~ Ken


Ken - Save Animal -Poster 1


Then these photos “feeding stray dogs on the street” went viral:

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And this is the result:

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Ken - happy-animals-club-pet-shelter 1a

 Happy Animals Club is not affiliated with anyone or any organization that supports euthanizing stray dogs. ~ Ken


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 Time to enjoy his Furry Friends:

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 But first things first… he must have this:

Ken - happy-animals-club-pet-shelter 12



I Am Simply Flowing with the River of Life.
I Take What Comes and Let Go What Goes.

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