These pet lovers went too far — extremely far. Forget the cats and the dogs. What about bear, lion, snake, tiger, and a CROC?
Some of us can love and appreciate the most dangerous animals on earth, but only at a distance. However, a few people can actually love and pet them. And they play and cuddle together like “best friends forever.”
This friendship shows that these deadliest predators can become as gentle as your dogs and cats. Or I should say, these pet lovers have a big heart that they can trust these man-eating animals — Bear, Lion, Tiger, Python, and Crocodile.
Meet these men and a boy who went extremely far in animal petting.
Mark Abbot Dumas and his pet Agee, a polar bear.
In an interview with Daily Mail, Mark said: “If anyone else tried this they would end up as Agee’s dinner. The only people in the whole world she likes are me and my wife. I have worked with bears in this way for over 40 years, so I can read Agee’s body language and know how to behave safely around her.”
Kevin Richardson and his pet, a Lion.
Kevin has a conservation area, 30 miles north of Johannesburg, home to lions, leopards, hyenas, panthers and cheetahs. The most amazing part is — he can live with them. Yep, he plays and sleeps with Africa’s most feared animals.
A Buddhist Monk and his pet, a Tiger.

This tiger is one of the big cats, around 100, in “Tiger Temple” in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. They live alongside Buddhist monks.

Meet this Cambodian boy, Uorn Sambath. His pet is not much, only a Python.
What? PYTHONNNN???!!!
What they do? They wrestle! I mean… play. Yes, this boy rides, wrestles and even sleeps with his pet.
Now, get ready to have your mind blown away. Please meet Chito and Pocho.
Oh, Chito is a fearless Costa Rican fisherman and Pocho is his pet, a CROCODILE!!!!!
Let me guess what Chito was thinking in the above photo: Just a CROC… It’s NOTHING!!!!